The best analysis of the transgender movement I have seen

By roslynholcomb, from a comment on a post at GenderTrender:

Yet another divide in #TeamTrans. Pigs in Wigs vs. The Passers. The gender crit trans tend to skew younger and more passable. More likely to be dysmorphic and gay. Pigs in Wigs are older, couldn’t pass if they were Joe Montana and het. Basically the PIW have appropriated the trans identity for the purpose of sexual gratification, and the Passers (rightfully) resent them for it. (Ironic, I know, since the Passers have appropriated womanhood from actual females).

My guess is that the Passers understand perfectly well that the PIWs are totally undermining any chance they have for acceptance, plus, at least one poster on Tumblr asserts they make a habit of exploiting and perving on the younger Passers. They also understand that the PIWs are homophobic as hell and hate them even more than they hate women. Given the PIWs propensity for violence they’re probably as dangerous to the Passers as they are to actual women. (Indeed the library where New Narratives met had to hire extra security.) Passers also know that heightened attention to #TeamTrans is bad news because it brings them under greater scrutiny. The whole purpose of being a Passer is to you know, pass. Very few trans are up to that level of scrutiny and they know it.

Being gay men for the most part, the Passers understand that at a certain level respectability politics must be adhered to. Much like gay men realized that running around at Pride in a g-string didn’t benefit them nearly as much as making an effort to adhere to social mores, thus Marriage Equality was born. Most folks went from thinking of gays as freaky men fucking each other in the ass, to that nice couple that always brings the potato salad to potluck. And my, doesn’t their yard look nice! The Passers know they stand a good chance of that same level of acceptance, indeed many already have it. Except for one problem, the PIWs. Being het white men, with money to boot, the PIWs have been socialized to believe they are entitled to anything they goddamned well please. They are about dominance and forcing others to their will. That’s what they get off on. They’re white men dammit and it’s their way or no way at all.

Here’s the problem; from what I’ve seen most people seem to believe that most trans are Passers when in fact most are PIW and freaky as fuck, to boot. Obviously it would be smart for the Passers to work toward getting rid of the PIW, but they seem incapable of doing so, presumably because they’re well-to-do white men. This whole Planet Fitness debacle is pretty much the worst thing that could happen for #TeamTrans as it makes people more aware of their dirty little secret. It’ll be interesting to see how the whole thing shakes out.

Hush Now

One time I was out driving around with my niece who was about 10. I think we were doing a few errands and then we were going to do something fun. She started playing that game where you repeat what the other person says until they’re ready to scream. The first few times I was like, yeah, ha ha, so adorable. And as kids will do, she kept going.

I finally said, “Please stop that now.” She said, “Please stop that now!” I said, “OK, really, enough.” She said, “OK, really, enough!” And laughed maniacally. Etc.

I was glad she was having a good time — but I was really hating the game by that point, so I said, “Really, knock it off, or we aren’t going to [do whatever fun thing we were planning on] and we will go home instead.” And she said, “Really, knock it off, or we aren’t going to ….”

So I turned the car around and drove home.

Oooooohhhh, she was maaaaaaaaaaaaad.

It seemed like she wasn’t very used to people being unwilling to put up with extended foolishness.


I’m thinking maybe it’s time for whoever the “grownups” might be in this interminable interaction to step up and be similarly unpopular for a little while.

Image from

What Feminists Are Saying About Transgender These Days

white man lectures woman of color on her culture:

you really chose the wrong terf to go off on, dude. you don’t know shit about my people or my culture, and your “understanding” of “gender” in hinduism is really just a eurocentric attempt to shoehorn an ancient belief system into a modern intellectual framework that has no basis in reality.

atranswidow on Why Your “Female Brain” Doesn’t Matter:

We can certainly perform the required mental gymnastics to admit that some women are shaped differently from others and pretend that that’s why a given MtF looks like a man. But mental gymnastics they will be. When it’s time to cross to the other side of the street while walking home late at night, we can tell. And it’s important to our safety that we can tell, and it always has been. And we’re telling ourselves and often each other the truth about why we’re crossing the street, even if you’ve bullied us into not admitting it to you. Because we still have to maneuver our lives and get our business done and that includes facing the many implications of maleness and femaleness.

a comment by mizknowitall on a post at

“Mission creep” started a long long time ago by the originator of the term “Transgender,” Arnold Loman, aka, Virginia Prince. The entire point being, a deliberate obfuscation of Transsexual so hetro male wankers who got wood from frilly clothing could hide behind “a reason!” …

So, they’ve settled upon the young as their next colonization effort, because, well, “they would have transitioned in utero too, cept you know hate?” So they had to go on and do male privilege sucessfully… for… I dunno? 60 years? Because transition WASN’T avaliable to them till now! Cough-Christine-Jorgenson-cough-1952-cough!

So having convinced the world that transgender = transsexual, (along with up now being the same as down) they now hide behind the young, who lack the faculties to speak for themselves and putting their patriarchal shame language literally into the mouths of babes! Where it confuses the hell out of the actual transsexual kids, telling them its all about feels, not sex, and at the same tine convincing legions upon legions of kids, rightly unhappy with confining sex roles that they are “trans?!” …

There really is an epidemic of inappropriate transition going on. It’s a nightmare, and it is being promulgated by money and social media!

What Trans People Need to Know When Using My Restroom

From my earlier post you might think I give a ton of fucks about men in the women’s room. For myself, I’m not all that concerned.* Predatory restroom attacks are pretty rare overall (though they do happen, and it’s the continual fact-free denial of that reality that required a laying out of evidence).


There is some basic public bathroom etiquette that I am sure most trans people are well aware of and practice consistently. If that describes you, congratulations, and thank you. This post is not meant for you.


I have been in situations where males dressed in women’s clothing have violated basic public restroom etiquette, thereby demonstrating that their interest in the women’s room goes beyond micturition. Or maybe they were just ignorant of how women do things. I can see how they would be, since they are male.

Either way, the following should help, and should be assumed to apply in any sex-segregated space where any degree of naked business takes place, such as locker rooms, department store dressing rooms, the women’s tub at the spa, etc.

My restroom rules, in order of my personal preference**

Unless you know me, or something is on fire:

  1. Ignore me completely. Go about your business. Wash your hands and leave. I will reciprocate.
  2. If you must, give a distant greeting. A nod and/or smile and one second of eye contact and/or say “Hello.” Go about your business. Wash your hands and leave. I will reciprocate.

That’s pretty easy, right?

If you direct any of the following (let alone anything more intrusive) at someone you don’t know in the restroom, you are acting like a creepy perv, regardless of your intention or whether other women (say they) like it. In my nearly 50 years of experience, women almost never behave in these ways with strangers in public restrooms.

Restroom no-nos

  1. Extended looking, smiling or eye contact.
  2. Striking up a conversation on any topic, especially while I am going about my business.
  3. Asking my opinion of your hair/clothing/makeup.
  4. Making a comment on my appearance in any way.
  5. Attempting to flirt.

Above all, do not interpret polite responses to any of the above as a) evidence that you pass or b) wank fodder. Because a) you don’t***, and b) I refuse to be a tool of your sexual fetish.

If you’re really just there to pee, do that, and get out. Anything else gives away your true intentions, and proves women have good reasons for not wanting you in our sex-segregated spaces.

* On behalf of young, old or disabled females, who may be perceived as more vulnerable in the restroom by male sexual predators, yes, I am worried.
** Because isn’t it all about our feelz?
*** Though we know better than to tell you so, because we don’t want you to punch us in the mouth.

Peak Trans: Debunking Twitiots


(Image reproduced from here.)

From Term Abdominal Pregnancy with Healthy Newborn: A Case Report:

Ectopic pregnancy represents about 1–2% of all pregnancies with 95% occurring in the fallopian tube. Abdominal pregnancies represent just about 1% of ectopic pregnancies.

Doing math… so the scenario tweeted above occurs in roughly 0.0001% of all pregnancies. Oh look, the nice authors did some math too.

The incidence of abdominal pregnancy … ranges between 1: 10000 pregnancies and 1:30,000 pregnancies …

Something that the nice authors, I’m sure, felt was self-evident such that they did not need to explicitly mention it, was that the group of people in whom this condition occurs is the group of people who always conceive and gestate human fetuses — female humans.

When an abdominal pregnancy is diagnosed in someone female, immediate surgery to remove the fetus is normally recommended.

Of course I can’t be sure of the tweeter’s intent, but may I state for the record that in the reality-based community, male people will not become randomly pregnant via a fertilized egg implanting on their intestines. A fertilized egg cannot spontaneously occur where there is no ovary to produce it, and no way for viable sperm to reach it (AKA “a vagina”).

Were a uterus-free person somehow able to find someone reprehensible enough willing to inject a fertilized egg into their abdominal cavity, and were that fertilized egg to implant onto the peritoneum (despite the vanishingly small chance of this happening spontaneously, as cited above), that uterus-less person would be at risk for the same very serious and potentially life-threatening conditions as a uterus-plus person with a (much more statistically likely but still statistically rare) ectopic pregnancy: Extreme abdominal pain, bleeding, infection, and organ rupture.

the diagnosis is made on the basis of the ensuing complications such as hemorrhage and abdominal pain. Maternal mortality and morbidity are also very high especially if the condition is not diagnosed and managed appropriately. These pregnancies generally do not get to 37 weeks (term gestation) and usually the end result is the extraction of a dead fetus. Another challenge for babies from abdominal pregnancy is the very high incidence of congenital malformations. Abdominal pregnancy at term with a healthy viable fetus is therefore an extremely rare condition…

Facts are your friends, people. Please do your research and don’t believe everything you read on Twitter.